Hi there,

Welcome to Meshninety (Mesh 90). We help businesses select and implement cloud software tools to speed up processes and save time and money.

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Our goal is to give NZ business owners more time to focus on what’s important, whether that means growing the business, or just enjoying life.

What we do

Successful businesses outgrow their processes, which creates drag and slows things down. Most business owners have encountered the following problems.

  • Inefficient processes that waste time
  • Uncertainty about modern software
  • Limited visibility of important information
  • Incomplete and inaccurate data
  • Difficulty getting staff to change the way they work

We help solve these problems with straightforward, no BS advice and assistance with process improvement, technology, reporting and task automation. And we can help you manage the change to make the improvements last.

We’re all about focused business improvement, not expensive IT projects.

Things we love

We love software as a service, dashboards, spreadsheets, whiteboards, apps, websites, kanban boards and most importantly meshing all these things together so they work seamlessly and easily for you and your staff.

We’ve written a few blog posts and case studies about the things we have done and are passionate about. Things like change management, task management, process improvement and brown paper mapping.


If you want to have more time, make better decisions and get better results then drop us a line or call Mike on +64 21 443 307